- The association -
  • History of the association :

In the south of the Maine-et-Loire region, Jallais is a French city twinned with Feldkirchen (Bavaria, Germany).

René BIDET worked and lived in Vagen for a few years. In 1978, after he met Hubert STEFFEL – a bread baker at that time – they created tight relationships and decided to set up a twinning association. Helped by both cities, this association will be the symbol of their friendship.

In 1984, the mayors of Jallais and Feldkirchen signed an agreement.

Since they met, the association has shared great moments and continues to pursue its development. Nowadays, it offers different activities which improve this alliance between Jallais and Felkirchen.

Twinning association's members :

The board of directors is formed by sixteen members. Since the 20th twinning’s anniversary, new members have joined the association.

President : René BIDET

Vice President: Bernard RICHAUDEAU

Treasurer: Christian LAURENDEAU

Secretary : Delphine GRASSET